BAC Mono R in Feisar Scheme.
Beautiful. Just Beautiful.
First things first, no, this isn’t my car!!
These photos however, are mine, taken with a Nikon D4S.
I felt I should include this, as whilst it isn’t an item in my physical collection, it is an item that shall forever stick with me in my memories.
It was a small event I attended where the Feisar livery BAC Mono R visited Liverpool. A number of the WipEout development team were also in attendance and it was a fantastic little social gathering that I won’t forget.
Not least because I was given the opportunity to wander around the Liverpool Museum with Nick Burcombe after all was said and done, chatting WipEout and other topics.
“If my dad never owned a printing company, WipEout might never have existed”
Further information about the car can be found here: https://www.bac-mono.com/news_feisar_mono

Feisar is Fair?
Lets Be Friends?